Homax Pro Grade White Flat Orange Peel
*Sub Brand: Pro Grade
*Sheen: Flat
*Color: White
*Product Type: Orange Peel Ceiling Texture
*Container Size: 20 oz.
*Water Resistant: No
*Time Before Recoating: 1 hr.
*Skid Resistant: No
*Coverage Area: 125 sq. ft.
*Clean Up: Water
*Primer Required: No
*Inverted Spray Ability: Yes
*UV Resistant: No
*Mildew Resistant: Yes
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Dry Time: 30-60 min
*Recommended Surface: Drywall
Brand Name: Homax
*Sub Brand: Easy Patch
*Color when Dry: White
*Base Type: Water-Based
*Product Type: Popcorn Ceiling Spray Texture
*Container Size: 14 oz.
*Color when Applied: White
*Paintable: No
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Sandable: Yes
*Ready to Use: No
*Applicator Included: Yes
*Packaging Type: Aerosol Can
*Weather Resistant: No
*Clean Up: Soap and Water
*Coverage Area: 4 sq. ft.
*Tintable: No
*Dry Time: 24 min
Brand Name: Homax
*Color when Dry: White
*Base Type: Water-Based
*Product Type: Orange Peel Spray Texture
*Container Size: 16 oz.
*Weather Resistant: Yes
*Tintable: No
*Packaging Type: Aerosol Can
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Dry Time: 5-30 min
*Coverage Area: 90 sq. ft.
*Clean Up: Soap and Water
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Color when Applied: Blue
*Sandable: No
*Paintable: Yes
*Applicator Included: Yes
*Sprays best between 68° F and 72° F.
Brand Name: Homax
*Sub Brand: Pro Match
*Color when Dry: White
*Base Type: Water-Based
*Product Type: Popcorn Ceiling Spray Texture
*Container Size: 16 oz.
*Weather Resistant: No
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Paintable: No
*Packaging Type: Aerosol Can
*Coverage Area: 2 sq. ft.
*Applicator Included: Yes
*Sandable: Yes
*Color when Applied: White
*Clean Up: Soap and Water
*Tintable: No
*Dry Time: 5 min
Brand Name: Homax
*Color when Dry: White
*Base Type: Water-Based
*Product Type: Popcorn Ceiling Spray Texture
*Container Size: 2.2 L
*Applicator Included: Yes
*Color when Applied: White
*Clean Up: Soap and Water
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Tintable: No
*Dry Time: 24 hr.
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Weather Resistant: No
*Packaging Type: Bottle
*Coverage Area: 50 sq. ft.
*Sandable: Yes
*Paintable: Yes
Brand Name: Homax
*Color when Dry: White
*Product Type: Texture Touch-Up Kit
*Container Size: 13.2
*Weather Resistant: Yes
*Sandable: Yes
*Dry Time: 30 min
*Color when Applied: White
*Coverage Area: 2 - 15 sq. ft.
*Paintable: No
*Packaging Type: Carded
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Clean Up: Soap and Water
*Tintable: No
*Applicator Included: Yes
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Kit Includes: (1) Touch-up Sprayer, (1) 9.2 oz. (261 g) Nt. Wt. Wall & Ceiling Texture Dry Mix, (2) 4.2 oz. (119 g) Nt. Wt. Popcorn Texture Dry Mix, (1) Knockdown Tool, (1) Stir Stick
Brand Name: Homax
*Color when Dry: White
*Base Type: Water-Based
*Product Type: Wall Texture
*Container Size: 10 oz.
*Applicator Included: Yes
*Coverage Area: 10-30 sq. ft.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Paintable: Yes
*Dry Time: 2 hr.
*Weather Resistant: No
*Sandable: Yes
*Clean Up: Soap and Water
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Tintable: No
*Color when Applied: White
*Packaging Type: Aerosol Can
Brand Name: Homax
*Color when Dry: White
*Base Type: Water-Based
*Product Type: Knockdown Wall Texture
*Container Size: 20 oz.
*Sandable: No
*Clean Up: Soap and Water
*Dry Time: 5-30 min
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Applicator Included: Yes
*Color when Applied: White
*Tintable: No
*Packaging Type: Aerosol Can
*Coverage Area: 60 sq. ft.
*Weather Resistant: No
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Paintable: No
*Adjusts to spray medium to heavy knockdown textures
*Sprays best between 68° F and 72° F.
Brand Name: Homax
*Sub Brand: Wall Texture
*Color when Dry: White
*Base Type: Oil-Based
*Product Type: Orange Peel Spray Texture
*Container Size: 20 oz.
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Color when Applied: White
*Weather Resistant: No
*Paintable: No
*Packaging Type: Aerosol Can
*Clean Up: Sovent
*Coverage Area: 110 sq. ft.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Sandable: Yes
*Tintable: No
*Applicator Included: Yes
*Dry Time: 5 min
*Matches fine orange peel,medium splatter or heavy splatter textures
*Dial on nozzle adjusts level of spray
*Oil based
*5 minute dry time
Brand Name: Homax
*Color when Dry: White
*Base Type: Water-Based
*Product Type: Orange Peel Spray Texture
*Container Size: 10 oz.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Color when Applied: White
*Paintable: Yes
*Dry Time: 30 min
*Clean Up: Soap and Water
*Tintable: No
*Sandable: Yes
*Coverage Area: 50 sq. ft.
*Applicator Included: Yes
*Packaging Type: Aerosol Can
*Weather Resistant: Yes
Brand Name: Homax
*Color when Dry: White
*Base Type: Water-Based
*Product Type: Orange Peel Spray Texture
*Container Size: 20 oz.
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Paintable: Yes
*Sandable: No
*Tintable: No
*Coverage Area: 110 sq. ft.
*Applicator Included: Yes
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Color when Applied: White
*Packaging Type: Aerosol Can
*Clean Up: Soap and Water
*Weather Resistant: No
*Sprays best between 68° F and 72° F.
Brand Name: Homax
*Sub Brand: Pro Grade
*Color when Dry: White
*Base Type: Water-Based
*Product Type: Wall Texture
*Container Size: 25 oz.
*Clean Up: Soap and Water
*Weather Resistant: Yes
*Sandable: Yes
*Ready to Use: Yes
*Paintable: Yes
*Color when Applied: White
*Dry Time: 10 min
*Coverage Area: 25-75 sq. ft.
*Packaging Type: Aerosol Can
*Tintable: No
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Applicator Included: Yes
Brand Name: Sheetrock
*Product Type: Tuf Tex Textured Sheetrock Mix
*Container Size: 50 lb.
*Weather Resistant: Yes
*Coverage Area: 1500 sq. ft.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Applicator Included: No
*Paintable: No
*Color when Applied: White
*Sandable: Yes
*Ready to Use: No
*Packaging Type: Bagged
Brand Name: Homax *Sub Brand: Pro Grade *Color when Dry: White *Base Type: Water-Based *Product Type: Wall and Ceiling Texture Paint *Container Size: 25 oz. *Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor *Tintable: No *Applicator Included: Yes *Weather Resistant: Yes *Ready to Use: Yes *Sandable: Yes *Dry Time: 30 min *Packaging Type: Aerosol Can *Paintable: Yes *Coverage Area: 125 sq. ft. *Color when Applied: White *Clean Up: Soap and Water *Discovery NBR, SUP